Learning assignment 1.

The social media platform that is most familiar to me is Instagram. It's a social networking app which is accessed by smartphones and its made for sharing videos and photos. The photos or videos thet you post will be shown in the feed of your profile and also in the feed of the users who have chosen to follow you. Likewise, you also have a feed containing the photos and videos of the users you follow. You can connect with other users by following them, liking and commenting on their content, tagging, private messaging and you can also save their photos. Every profile on Instagram has a ¨following¨ and a ¨followers¨ count, which shows how many the user is following and how many followers they have. There is also a stories feature, where users can upload photos and videos, but they dissapear after 24 hours. 
A more unfamiliar social media platform is TikTok, which is a platform for making and sharing short videos. Users can shoot, edit, and share 15-second videos jazzed up with filters, music, animation, special effects, and more. Like its fellow social media apps, users can also follow, like, and comment on everything they see. It is currently the worlds fastest growing social media app which are one of the reasons why it has such a big potential to be used by different companies. Although mostly younger people use the app also older people have started to catch on. This is a big opportunity for companies which offers products and services for the younger generations have a perfect opportunity to use this platform for advetisment and growing their business. 
                                                TikTok Versus Instagram: Is This Chinese App Taking Over The U.S. ...
Nike is a big company using instagram. They post more lifestyle contend instead of focusing on sprcific products. They take advatage of posting content which is suitable for proffessional athletes and beginners alike. 
Chipotle is a mexiacan restaurant that uses TikTok. They publish posts with music, memes, and referenses to highlight their menu items, for example posting the guacamole dance on avocado day promoting the free guacamole. 
The difference between the two platforms is that TikTok is often used for more silly things, advertisment by funny videos with music that spreads via users wanting to be a part of it. Instagram is more about the aesthetics of the pictures and having a nice looking feed. The age group also differs a bit between the two social media platforms. There are a lot more young people active on TikTok, and on instagram you can find all types of age groups. 
In my field of study, which is beauty and cosmetics, social media is a huge. People use it for showing of their talents by posting videos or pictures of their makeup, their chlothes, givis tips and trick to their followers on how to do makeup looks, skincare routines and how to use different chlothng garment in different ways. If the influencers have a big enough following, they often get sponsored by companies who sell products that the social media influencers advertise and that way the companies get more customers. The more followers the influencers have, the bigger the opportunity for different sponsors there are.
                                     Instagram Feed - Add Instagram module to OpenCart website
As with everything, there are good and bad things with the usage of social media. Good ways people use social media is connecting with others easily. It's fast and simple to connect to anyone, anywhere. People can find and give information very quickly. You dont have to search far to find what you are looking for. It's also a good opportunity for business owners to connect to their customers, selling their products and expanding. Some bad ways of using social media could be spreading of false information, since nobody can tell if people are lying or not. Privacy issues can occur when people easily overshare. A very bad thing social media can be used for is bullying and social peer pressure. You want to look like the models you see on social media and it's a lot easier to say mean things online than it is face to face. Social media could also be a source of procrastination and distraction from other imprtant things if not used wisely. 


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